Sunday, October 20, 2024

A brief introduction to this blog website is addressed as follows.


In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Luke 4:4 whole 

the Christian scriptures clearly state that the great righteous biblical man Abraham had female slaves called concubines who were subject to Abraham as their master.

And we’re forced to be his female slaves in this life and worship and obey Abraham and his wife Sarah.

As their masters and mistress.

And the Christian scriptures clearly imply that Christ the Holy Ghost and the Father of Jesus all enforce and approve of Abraham for also purchasing mortal slaves and owning them in this life…

By God and christs will in this life.


Doesn’t that imply that the almighty God of Christianity approves of  Abraham’s  sex trafficking?

In a matter of speaking?

As their is no doubt that all facts in this life clearly affirm that the great holy righteous man Abraham was a sex trafficker in this life..

Yet the God of Israel Hinduism  Islam and Christianity all approve of Abraham as a gloriously righteous man in this life.

In fact  christianity specifically teaches all humans that The All Divine Father, the All divine  Son and the ALl Immmaculate Holy Ghost of Christianity  fully honor the holy Abraham for being a sex trafficker and slave merchant Regarding such matters in this life.

And the Christian scriptures as well as every major religion on earth clearly also teach humans that a variety of important 

righteous men and women in such religions were slave drivers who owned mortal slaves in this life and were not only slave merchants but also sex traffickers in this life.

Completely in fact.

Which is also why in connection to revelation 20:1-10, and Jude 1:Christianity’s millennial saints who reigned with Jesus Christ from 667 to 1667 a d , will soon rule over and

 enslave this entire devilish era of humans.

Because this entire devilish era of humans placed themselves above the Holy Spirit of Christianity and above Abraham in regards to such a subject.

Technically speaking.

That statement is entirely true…

 every religion attached to such a subject also teach humans their Deity’s complete enforced slavery in human cultures in such matter.

In connection to exodus 21:6 Leviticus 25:38-46, genesis 9:24-27, Colossians 3:22, Matthew 5:17-20, Roman’s 3:31, and Ephesians 6:5-9 of Christianity likewise…

And every religion on earth teaches humans that their eternal everlasting powerful  Deity’s who created mortals in this life  do not change how they perceive righteousness in this life…


My question to that statement addressed on that note  is simply this.

In connection to Malachi 3:6 and hebrews 13:8 of Christianity,,,

If all deity’s consider the ancient Christian  biblical man  Abraham and other ancient biblical figures also completely gloriously righteous for being slave merchants and sex traffickers of other mortals in this life then who are wicked created  mortals in this life to oppose that concept assigned by deity’s for mortals in this life?

I’ve actually heard idiotic mortals of this frame dare to slander Abraham and call Abraham far less in righteousness then mortals of this era simply because Abraham followed by Gods will for him and Abraham was a slave driver and sex trafficker in this life.

Yet by way of 2nd Peter 3:7-17 I’ll guarantee all devilish mortals of this time frame of humanity that both God

 almighty and Christianity’s all Divine Holy Ghost will infinitely justify the holy biblical man Abraham regarding righteousness before Christ on the day mortals face Gods in a judgment day far more then God will justify mortals who oppose God in such subjects in this life.

Mortals today do the evils they do?

And yet still date to stupidly condemn the holy man Abraham for being a slave driver of wicked mortals in this life.


Note to the reader.

Regarding Matthew 5:17-20 and Luke 4:4 wholly?

It’s clear that if a mortal opposes the will of God in this life?

Regarding the functions of Leviticus 25:38-46 and genesis 9:24-27.?

By way of numbers 33:55-56 and likewise 1st kings 20:42?


Let’s put it this way.

On that note.

Ezekiel 33:31-33 means what it says.

On such a note.

As does 2nd Peter 1:19-21:.

Regarding any idiotic mortal who strupidly deliberately mock the biblical man Abraham for righteously enslaving evil mortals who mock christs all divine immaculate divinity in this existence.

By way of 2nd John 1:10-11.



Which simply means this.

If you are mortal?

In this life?

Do not mock this subject or disobey christs words attached to Matthew 5:17-20 on such a note.

 If a mere mortal does that?

 then a mere mortal human being  is being ridiculously deliberately sinfully obnoxious and  idiotically proud towards christs divine teachings for humans in this life .

 and such a devilish human under such circumstances is obviously being willingly  hypocritical towards the divine divinity of all deity’s in this life.

If mere mortals do that specifically in this life.

Which is a concept which likewise applies to the Immaculate Holy Divinity of the Three Prime Christian essences of all life.

Meaning the Christian Father, the Christian Son, and the Christian All divine Holy Ghost.

And that is an unforgivable sin.

To deliberately mock Christianity’s Father son and  Holy Ghost that way.

Deliberately and arrogantly.

As mark 3;29, proverbs 16:18, hebrews 6:4-6 and the first epistle of John 5: verses 16-17 of Christianity warn all creation in this life Which is partly why psalm 149:5-9 is written for all mortals of this present time frame.

Presently in this life.

Pure and simple.


On that note?

I begin this holy blog website.

In spiritual Christian earnest.

Pure and simple.

Which is partly why psalm 149:5-9 is written for all mortals of this present time frame.

Presently in this life.

Pure and simple.


On that note?

I begin this holy blog website.

In spiritual Christian earnest.

Pure and simple Which is partly why psalm 149:5-9 is written for all mortals of this present time frame.

Presently in this life.

Pure and simple.


On that note?

I begin this holy blog website.

In spiritual Christian earnest.

Pure and simple

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